Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Baby" Singer's Baby Drama

The drama escalates as more info surfaces about the woman claiming Justin Bieber fathered her child.

The latest details reveal that Mariah Yeater, 20, first accused her ex-boyfriend, John Terranova, of being the father of her child.

France Lippe, Terranova's grandmother, says Yeater came to their home in December 2010 claiming she was pregnant and Terranova was the father. He denied paternity, TMZ reports.

Fast forward more than one year later. Yeater files a lawsuit against pop superstar Justin Bieber ,17, stating the he fathered her child. The young mother appeared on Dr. Drew demanding Bieber come forward and submit to a paternity test. Yeater's lawyers state they have "credible evidence that supports he's the father."

Meanwhile, Bieber's camp is now gearing up for their own strike, stating that the claims against the popstar are "malice and defamatory," and they are ready to defend and protect the Biebs against all the allegations.

Mariah Yeater claims that she had sex with Bieber while attending his sold out concert at the Staple's Center in LA last October. She's says his body guard approached her and ask if she would like to meet Bieber. She agreed.

According to, shortly after meeting Bieber, the two began to kiss and he asked  her if they can go" somewhere they can be alone,"---a bathroom. He then said to her, "I want to f**k the s**t out of you," and began undressing her rapidly. Yeater states she urged him to use a condom, but he declined, stating that it was his first time and he "wanted to feel everything."

This is among the most shocking celeb news I've heard all year! It's amusing yet sad at the same time: Amusing because the whole story just sounds absurd and random, sad because a child is potentially suffering.

Just look at that beautiful picture! I can definitely see why Justin would find her irresistible! Even though there's no shortage of hot girls wanting to make his teenage wet dreams come true, its NOT UNBELIEVABLE AT ALL that he would choose her! I mean, if true, she agreed to have sex in a bathroom, without a condom, with someone she just met! Classy girl we have here! Anyone would want her!

It probably took her the whole year+ to come up with this idea, and even then she still couldn't make it sound realistic. First off, have you ever heard of a virgin picking up a complete stranger to bang in a bathroom? Most people lose their virginity to someone they ACTUALLY KNOW and are most likely dating at the time. Furthermore, virgins are typically nervous and maybe even a bit shy that first time around, which is a far cry from the aggressiveness Mariah describes. Also, the notion that she already accused another man of fathering the child hurts whatever little credibility she had.

I don't know what vodka bottle this chick crawled out of , but if I were her, I'd be watching over my shoulder, because at this point, you can pretty much guarantee Beliebers are out for blood. We all know how sensitive and over reactive they can be. I wouldn't be surprised if she's been getting harassed from the moment the story broke.

This get-rich-quick scheme can also backfire in a more criminal way. If her story holds up, she just publicly admitted to committing statutory rape, as Justin was only 16 years old at the time and the age of consent in California is 18. So this genius can be facing possible criminal charges.

Mariah Yeater is a perfect example of a person that probably shouldn't have had a child, but unfortunately did. Now she's a frustrated young, single mother that's seemingly confused about who the father of her child is, and is desperately trying to pin it on someone. Just by judging her actions and statements involving this case shows she isn't capable of making the best decisions. And if her claims do turn out to be false, I can only question her mental state to be able to conger up such an outrageous lie. It takes a special type of person  to do that. Hopefully Justin isn't the father, not just because his career may suffer, but even though he has plenty of money, he's still too young and immature to be in charge of  another life. It's always the children that suffer the most in these types of situations.

On a side note, I wonder what Selena Gomez thinks about all of this? I find it weird that no one has asked her so far. Is she supporting Justin or is she shunning him? Will they stay together if he turns out to be the father? This would all be over if they had just gone to The Maury Show!

The court hearing is scheduled for December 15. Mark it on your calendars!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

LiLo Lets It Show for Playboy

Lindsay Lohan, 25, is set to appear in the January issue of Playboy Magazine.
The plans for posing were said to have been in the works for months, as Playboy initially offered Lohan $750 thousand, which she turned down due to wanting $1 million, according to TMZ. However an unknown amount was eventually agreed on.

The shooting for the spread has already begun, but Hefner's unhappiness with the first shots called for a new session.

Lohan will posing dressed in lingerie and will not be nude.

Oh, Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay.....Where do I begin? Every time you think she's just about to pull it together and turn things around, she does something else that makes you go "WTF?!" 

We all know anyone that wants to be taken seriously as an actress, and be known not solely for their looks, but for their talent, will never pose for Playboy. I think Lindsay knows this as well, since she won't be in her birthday suit for the shoot. We can pretty much bet that wasn't Hef's idea, because he likes his models wearing nothing but a smile.

However, this non nude posing in a men's magazine is what's baffling. Who poses for Playboy and doesn't appear naked? It defeats the purpose.  It seems like she's trying to make some much needed cash while trying to salvage what little is left of her modesty at the same time. It comes off as desperate, especially since we've already seen pics of Lindsay's lady parts before. If you're not comfortable with being nude, then you shouldn't be going that route in the first place.

 I'm not alone when I say LiLo is past her prime. Judging by her latest courtroom photos, she's hardly something to look at now then a few years ago. However, people would have still purchased the mag just out of sheer curiosity of seeing her naked. But now I don't see the point now.

I guess we'll never know the answer to real question here: "Do the curtains match the drapes?"